At times you might have felt you want everyone but nobody wants you.You also feel that you have lost everyone who are dear to you.Though you know very well that you don't have to be miserable for no reasons because you are damn sure that you have not done anything wrong and you know very well that you deserve to be happy always but you cant help it...There can be people who understand you though you don't tell them and they try to pull you back to yourself very often...Treat such people as angels in your life because there are only a few of them. And also there are people who can understand you completely but still they don't give a damn though they are your loved ones,this hurts to the core and it makes you feel that this is the worst phase of your life.Situation shows Human reality,Very True is what you feel.You may also feel why on the earth did you compromise so much for those people who can hardly understand all this and why do you still be with them and love them the same as before.Frankly speaking,even i don't know the answer for this..Maybe somewhere unknowingly we have compromised ourselves so much for their happiness that we still wait for them to turn and look back at us at least once and say "I am there with u".
Just a small sentence from your loved ones can bring you back soon instead of ten sentences from people who are not close to you saying "Be Back to normal?","Whats wrong?","I hope things will get better soon".etc.etc.I know very well that i can put in an effort to make them realise but how until when ? This is something you cannot force your loved ones to understand until they realise it themselves.I feel giving an explanation to them about this and then making them understand is not worth.Never mistake this as ego. Its just too much of compromises.But i have just one small question "When my loved ones can easily move on without getting hurt why cant I??"..Was the attachment only from my side that i am finding it so hard.Is it that easy to Let a person go far away.Not easy for me anytime .Still trying to figure out how is it for them!!!!

So Do Love your Loved Ones.Hug them tight when they need it,Respect their love and care shown towards you,Catch their hands when they are all alone.Be with them and make them smile!Never let them go!
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